I intially start up 3 zk nodes and upload config 'cugna'. Then I start 2 
Solrcloud nodes, create collection with 2 shards, add a lot of docs ok.
Later I find 3 zk nodes occupy too many CPU and memory, so I start a standalone 
zk node and use Solr's zkcli to upload same config 'cugna'.
This time I start same 2 Solrcloud nodes but point to this standalone zk node. 
They seem to start ok.
However, when I open localhost:8983, it shows can't load config for shard1 and 
Does this mean I can't switch other zk nodes once after I create index? 
The same config on co-op and standalone seem to have difference?

Scott Chu,scott....@udngroup.com
2016/5/21 (週六)

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