Don't mess with distrib=true|false to start. What you're
seeing is that when a query comes in to SolrCloud, a
sub-query is being sent to one replica of every shard. That
sub-query has distrib=false set. Then when preliminary
results are returned and collated by the distributor, another
request is made to the shards to get the actual data for the
true top N. So this is a total red herring.

Likewise, "ids" is a red-herring, part of internal sub-query
processing (I think).

In essence, you should pretty much ignore these sub-queries
and concentrate on the query you send to Solr. In particular
add &debug=query and see what the _parsed_ query looks
like. Odds are it's not quite parsing as you expect. If that doesn't
help, please post the results and we'll see.

What guarantee do you have that you have any document in
your corpus with sysid of 11382?


On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 5:27 AM, preeti kumari <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using solr 5.2.1 cloud version I am facing an issue.
> From client the query which goes to solr is :q=(sysid:11382)
> But in my solr logs i can see the actual query getting fired is :
> ids=0323_00011382&distrib=false&wt=javabin&version=2&rows=1&NOW=1464177290469&shard.url=
> http://host1:8009/solr/collection1_shard3_replica2/|http://host2:8009/solr/collection1_shard3_replica1/&fl=*,score&df=text&start=0&q=(sysid:11382)
> which gives no result.
> In my schema.xml I have unique field as "docid" not "ids".
> I need to know what is this field "ids" and why distrib=false is added in
> query . I tried adding distrib=true in my /select request handler in solr
> config still i get the same query.
> If i give query with "ids=0323_00011382&distrib=true" it gives error
> java.lang.NullPointerException\n\tat
> org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent.unmarshalSortValues(\n\tat
> org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent.mergeIds
> When i remove "ids=0323_00011382&distrib=false" this from  query i get
> results with docid as 0323_00011382.
> Please help me to understand and how can i override this behaviour of solr
> cloud.
> Thanks
> Preeti

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