On 6/7/2016 12:41 AM, Pithon Philippe wrote:
> I have a question on Solr Transaction as relational databases The Solr
> commit is not isolated for each client session, right? In my test
> (source below) The commit in a session adds records of other sessions
> is there a documentation on this? is what's planned improvements on
> this? version 6, version 7? 

No improvements are planned.

You've gotten a few replies telling you that if you want real
transactions in Solr, you'll have to implement them.  This is because
Lucene (the API that provides most of Solr's functionality) does not do
transactions like a relational database does.  That's the important
thing to remember here.  Lucene is a *search* API, not a *database*
API.  Solr is a search server, not a database server.

Adding the kind of transactions you want would require fundamental (and
likely large-scale) changes to the low-level design, quite possibly at
the Lucene level rather than Solr.  There's a very good chance that
adding this would slow down the primary feature -- search.  It would
also require considerable effort -- both to initially write and to

Solr is advertised as NoSQL.  If they are configured and used correctly,
Lucene-based applications (like Solr) can fill a NoSQL role, but this is
not the GOAL of the software.  I get a little worried every time I see
the release note claiming NoSQL capability, because when they see that,
I know that users are going to request additional features that search
doesn't need, like transactions.

Something else that I saw in the replies you already got:  If you really
need transaction support, find existing software that's been doing it
for a lot of years, and use that software as a canonical data source to
populate your Solr index.


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