On 6/7/2016 9:55 AM, Pablo Anzorena wrote:
> Sorry for the poor details, but I didn't post the log files because
> there was nothing out of the ordinary in the solr.log file, neither in
> the solr-8984-console.log, nor in solr_gc.log. What log do you want me
> to show you? solr.log.1 (which I think it should be the last one) for
> example? You need the tail or the head of the file? When I say
> "stopping for no reason" I mean the service is not running anymore,
> the process is finished. I tried killing it with kill -9 command and
> it does not log that, my first thought was that I restarted the
> standalone solr service which try to stop the service and if it can't
> it kills it doing SOLR_PROCESS_ID="`ps -eaf | grep -v "grep" | grep
> "start.jar";kill -9 ${SOLR_PROCESS_ID}. So sometimes it could kill
> solrcloud instead of standalone, but sometimes the datetime does not
> match. Another option is that it gives an outofmemoryerror and the oom
> script is killing the process, but again I saw nothing in the solr_gc.log.

I'm pretty sure that nothing would get logged in the gc log for an
OutOfMemoryError.  It might show up in solr.log (or one of the rotated
or renamed solr.log files), but depending on exactly what code throws
the OOME, it's also possible that the actual exception won't be logged
at all.

The bin/solr script on 5.2.1 uses the OOM killer option incorrectly --
so it doesn't even work.  If you fix the commandline to make it work,
then it would create a solr_oom_killer_STUFF logfile.

I would strongly recommend editing bin/solr to increase the "waiting to
start/die" timeout from 5 seconds to 30-60 seconds, especially if you
are running more than one Solr or Jetty process on the machine.  It
might also be a good idea to have an issue requesting a change in how
the script figures out which process gets the "kill -9" signal.


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