Erick, Mikhail, and Shawn, thank you all for your help.

Just a quick re-cap of what I’m trying to achieve: my need is to combine 2
or more “fq” queries to be treated as OR.

Erick, Mikhail, I have the syntax you provided but I cannot get them to
work properly, in fact I’m seeing odd behavior that I cannot explain so I
hope you can shed some light on them.

The following give me hits as expected:

1269 hits:



1269 hits:



905 hits:



The following don’t give me a hit as expected:

0 hits:



0 hits:



The next 3 syntax are odd behavior that I cannot explain:

A) 1269 hits (expected):



B) 905 hits (odd result):



C) 0 hits (but why?!):



D) 0 hits (but why?!):



Since my goal here is to have fq apply OR on the two date searches, test B
clearly shows that’s not the case and test C & D shows that fq is ignoring
the second part in the query.

I also tried this syntax:




But Solr is reporting an error: “no field name specified in query and no
default specified via 'df' param”.

Shawn, using the syntax that you suggested everything works (including my
mix date range tests of the above):


DateA:[2000-01-01+TO+2030-01-01]+OR+DateB:[2000-01-01 TO 2030-01-01]

My motivation to use “{!field}[]” in fq was what I read somewhere (I cannot
find it now, even after many Google’s on it) is far faster and efficient
than the tradition <Field-Name>:[value]


On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 6:46 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 6/8/2016 2:28 PM, Steven White wrote:
> > ?q=*&q.op=OR&fq={!field+f=DateA+op=Intersects}[2020-01-01+TO+2030-01-01]
> Looking at this and checking the code for the Field query parser, I
> cannot see how what you have used above is any different than:
> fq=DateA:[2020-01-01 TO 2030-01-01]
> The "op=Intersects" parameter that you have included appears to be
> ignored by the parser code that I examined.
> If my understanding of the documentation and the code is correct, then
> you should be able to use this:
> fq=DateB:[2000-01-01 TO 2020-01-01] OR DateA:[2020-01-01 TO 2030-01-01]
> In my examples I have changed the URL encoded "+" character back to a
> regular space.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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