As Doug said,
you should really try to build your own solution for Multi-word Synonyms
because every need is different and you can customize it for your special
use case, like adding a Thesaurus.


Am 09.06.2016 um 17:06 schrieb Doug Turnbull:
> Mary Jo,
> Honestly half the time I run into this problem, I end up creating a
> QParserPlugin because I need to do something specific. With a QParserPlugin
> I can run whatever analysis, slicing and dicing of the query string to
> manually construct whatever I need to
> One thing I often do is repeat the functionality of Elasticsearch's match
> query. Elasticsearch's match query does the following:
> - Analyze the query string using the field's query-time analyzer
> - Create an OR query with the tokens that come out of the analysis
> You can look at the field query parser as something of a starting point for
> this.
> I usually do this in the context of a boost query, not as the main edismax
> query.
> If I have time, this is something I've been meaning to open source.
> Best
> -Doug
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 2:51 PM Joe Lawson <>
> wrote:
>> I'm sorry I wasn't more specific, I meant we were hijacking the thread with
>> the question, "Anyone used a different method of
>> handling multi-term synonyms that isn't as global?" as the original thread
>> was about getting synonym_edismax running.
>> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 2:24 PM, MaryJo Sminkey <>
>> wrote:
>>>> MaryJo you might want to start a new thread, I think we kinda hijacked
>>> this
>>>> one. Also if you are interested in tuning queries check out
>>>> and which are interactive
>>> tools
>>>> (both of which my company makes) to tune for search relevancy.
>>> Okay I changed the subject. But I don't need a tuning tool, I already
>> know
>>> WHY I'm not getting the results I need, the problem is how to fix it or
>> get
>>> around what the plugin is doing. Which is why I was inquiring if people
>>> have had success with something other than this particularly plugin for
>>> more advanced queries that it messes around with. It seems to do a good
>> job
>>> if you aren't doing anything particularly complicated with your search
>>> logic, but I don't see a good way to solve the issue I'm having, and a
>>> tuning tool isn't really going to help with that. We were pretty happy
>> with
>>> our search relevancy for the most part *other* than the problem with the
>>> multi-term synonyms not working reliably but I definitely can't lose
>>> relevancy that we had just to get those working.
>>> In reviewing your tools previously, the problem as I recall is that they
>>> rely on querying Solr directly, while our searches go through multiple
>>> levels of an application which includes a lot of additional logic in
>> terms
>>> of what the data that gets sent to Solr are, so they just aren't going to
>>> be much use for us. It was easier for me to just write my own tool that
>>> essentially does the same kind of thing, but with my application logic
>>> built in.
>>> Mary Jo

Bernd Fehling                    Bielefeld University Library
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