If you are running on tomcat you will probably have a deployment problem.
On version 5.2.1 it worked fine for me, I manually packaged solr.war on
build time.
But, when trying to upgrade to Solr 5.5.1, I had problems with incompatible
servlet-api of Solr's jetty version and my tomcat servlert-api.
Solr code explicitly use some new methods that existed in the Jetty, but
not in my tomcat.
For me it was a no-go, from all the reasons that Shawn stated.

On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 12:26 AM, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 6/16/2016 1:20 AM, Bharath Kumar wrote:
> > I was trying to generate a solr war out of the solr 6 source, but even
> > after i create the war, i was not able to get it deployed correctly on
> > jboss. Wanted to know if anyone was able to successfully generate solr
> > war and deploy it on tomcat or jboss? Really appreciate your help on
> > this.
> FYI: If you do this, you're running an unsupported configuration.
> You're on your own for both getting it working AND any problems that are
> related to the deployment rather than Solr itself.
> You actually don't need to create a war.  Just run "ant clean server" in
> the solr directory of the source code and then install the exploded
> webapp (found in server/solr-webapp/webapp) into the container.  There
> should be instructions available for how to install an exploded webapp
> into tomcat or jboss.  As already stated, you are on your own for
> finding and following those instructions, and if Solr doesn't deploy,
> you will need to talk to somebody who knows the container for help.
> Once they are sure you have the config for the container right, they may
> refer you back here ... but because it's an unsupported config, the
> amount of support we can offer is minimal.
> https://wiki.apache.org/solr/WhyNoWar
> If you want the admin UI to work when you install into a user-supplied
> container, then you must set the context path for the app to "/solr".
> The admin UI in 6.x will not work if you use another path, and that is
> not considered a bug, because the only supported container has the path
> hardcoded to /solr.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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