This sounds like it might be of help -

< solrQueryParser defaultOperator="AND"/>

You can change it from and to or.

(If I understood you) -


-----Original Message-----
From: Aleš Gregor [] 
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2016 9:37 AM
Subject: SOLR 6: edismax search query with OR operator does not work as expected


after migrating my index from Solr 4.3 to Solr 6 I noticed that the OR logical 
operator in search query no longer works as expected.

On Solr 4.3 query - Blue OR Red - brings all documents with Blue or Red or both 
tokens found.
On Solr 6 the same query only brings documents with both the tokens, Blue and 

I see some difference in the debug of the query but I cannot  make much sense 
out of it.

Was there any change between Solr 4 and 6 that would cause this?

Ales Gregor

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