Hi Shawn

Got it.
Will delete all replicas on thatserver first before shutting down solron it.

Thank you,

On 7/11/2016 9:43 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
On 7/10/2016 7:34 PM, Derek Poh wrote:
I need to remove a server from the cluster of serversrunning solr in
my production environment. 1of the collection's replica is a leader on
this server.
The collection is setup as 1shard with 5 replicas. With each replica
residing on a physical server.

How can I move or assignanother replicaas the leader on another server?
Or should I just go ahead and stop the solr process on this server and
solr or zookeeper will elect another replicaas leader?
If you shut down that Solr server, the remaining servers will elect a
new leader.

There is the preferred leader functionality, but this is really only
something that's needed if you have a very large number of
collections/shards and need to distribute the leader roles evenly among
multiple servers.  For a small number, having leaders concentrated on
one server does not represent a performance problem.

If the server will be permanently decommissioned, you should probably
use DELETEREPLICA on the collections API to remove all replicas on that
server before shutting it down.  That can also initiate leader election.


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