Hi friends!

solr version: 4.9.0.

we use solr and solrcloud in our project, that means we use sorl and
solrcloud at the same time.
but we find a phenomenon that sorlcoud consumes more time than solr when
write index. it takes nearly 5 or more times longer. I wonder that is why?

in our project, we have a scheduler job to add index, and then execute the
the method of "optimize(false, true, 2)" to optimize the added index.
I wonder if it is caused by solrcloud internal that when writing index,
solrcloud needs to just which shard it should be stored? and when
optimizing the replicate needs to take some time to synchronize the data
from leader?

and I wonder what about query?  will solrcloud also take more time than
solr when query data?

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