It’s fairly likely these differences are as a result of SOLR-2649[1] (released 
with 5.5) and SOLR-8812[2] (released with 6.1).

If you haven’t seen it, I recommend you read Hoss'ss blog “Why Not AND, OR, And 
NOT?” <>.

If you can, add parentheses to explicitly specify precedence.



> On Aug 4, 2016, at 2:23 AM, Modassar Ather <> wrote:
> Hi,
> During migration from Solr-5.4.1 to Solr-6.1.0 I saw a difference in the
> behavior of few of my boolean queries.
> As per my current understanding the default operator comes in when there is
> no operator present in between two terms.
> Also both the ANDed terms are marked mandatory if not, any of them is
> introduced as NOT. Same is the case with OR.
> Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
> The below queries are parsed differently and causes a lot of difference in
> search result.
> The default operator used is AND and no mm is set.
> *Query      : *fl:(network hardware AND device OR system)
> *Solr.6.1.0 :* "+(+fl:network +fl:hardware fl:device fl:system)"
> *Solr-5.4.0 : *"+(fl:network +fl:hardware +fl:device fl:system)"
> *Query      : *fl:(network OR hardware device system)
> *Solr.6.1.0 : *"+(fl:network fl:hardware +fl:device +fl:system)"
> *Solr-5.4.0 : *"+(fl:network fl:hardware fl:device fl:system)"
> *Query      : *fl:(network OR hardware AND device OR system)
> *Solr.6.1.0 : *"+(fl:network +fl:hardware fl:device fl:system)"
> *Solr-5.4.0 : *"+(fl:network +fl:hardware +fl:device fl:system)"
> *Query      : *fl:(network AND hardware AND device OR system)"
> *Solr.6.1.0 : *"+(+fl:network +fl:hardware fl:device fl:system)"
> *Solr-5.4.0 : *"+(+fl:network +fl:hardware +fl:device fl:system)"
> Please help me understand the difference in parsing and its effect on
> search.
> Thanks,
> Modassar

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