Yeah I figured that was too many deleteddocs. It could just be that our max
segments is set too high though.

The reason I asked is because our optimize requests have started failing.
Or at least,they are appearing to fail because the optimize request returns
a non 200. The optimize seems to go ahead successfully regardless though.
Before trying to find out if I can  asynchronously request and poll for
success (doesn't appear to be possible yet) or a better way of determining
success, I thought I'd check if the whole thing was necessary to begin with.

Hopefully it doesn't involve polling the core status until deleteddocs goes
below a certain level :/.

Cheers for info.

On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 8/8/2016 3:10 AM, Callum Lamb wrote:
> > How true is this claim? Is optimizing still a good idea for the
> > general case?
> For the general case, optimizing is not recommended.  If there are a
> very large number of deleted documents, which does describe your
> situation, then there is definitely a benefit.
> In cases where there are a lot of deleted documents, scoring can be
> affected by the presence of the deleted documents, and the drop in index
> size after an optimize can result in a large performance boost.  For the
> general case where there are not many deletes, there *is* a performance
> benefit to optimizing down to a single segment, but it is nowhere near
> as dramatic as it was in the 1.x/3.x days.
> The problem with optimizes in the general case is this:  The performance
> hit that the optimize operation itself causes may not be worth the small
> performance improvement.
> If you have a time where your index is quiet enough that the optimize
> itself won't be disruptive, then you should certainly take advantage of
> that time and do the optimize, even if there aren't many deletes.
> There is another benefit to optimizes that doesn't get mentioned often:
> It can make subsequent normal merging operations during indexing faster,
> because there will not be as many large segments.
> Thanks,
> Shawn


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