
What would be the reasons making the wildcard search for Lucene Query Parser 
NOT working?

We are using Solr 5.4.1 and, using the admin console, I am triggering for 
instance searches with term 'roche' in a specific core. Everything fine, I am 
getting for instance two matches. I would expect at least the same number of 
matches with term 'r?che'. However, this does NOT happen. I am getting zero 
matches. Same problem occurs with 'r*che'. 'roch?' does not work neither but 
'roch*' works.

Switching debug mode brings following output:

"debug": {
    "rawquerystring": "roch?",
    "querystring": "roch?",
    "parsedquery": "text:roch?",
    "parsedquery_toString": "text:roch?",
    "explain": {},
    "QParser": "LuceneQParser",

Any idea? Thanks and cheers,


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