I'm trying to upgrade my Solr cluster from 5.4 to 5.5.2 in a rolling restart
without success.  
The first node upgraded with 5.4 worked without any issue, the problem arise
with the second. When the second node is restarted with the 5.4 version, the
heap of both nodes grows until the first node (I don't why, but always is the
first node) hit an OOM.  
It's like something in the PeerSync process is consuming ram (my index is huge
I have replicas with 250G)  until hit the OOM.


https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-8586 was added in 5.5, this issue
changes the way how shard synchronization is done. Can this issue be related
with my problem?  




/Yago Riveiro


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