Ok, did a bit more digging.  It looks like if I build a custom
ContentStreamLoader I can create a custom AddOrUpdateCommand that is
ultimately responsible for building the lucene document.  So looks like if
I build a custom UpdateRequestHandler I can register my custom
ContentStreamLoader and I'll be set.  Is this the appropriate course of

Lastly, I always want to use my custom UpdateRequest when adding data to
Solr from SolrJ but I don't see an easy way of doing this.  Really what I
need is to control the XML generated and being sent to the server and it
looks like this is the best way, but I wonder given the inability to plugin
a custom request writer (or something similar).  Am I barking up the wrong

On Aug 23, 2016 5:22 PM, "Jamie Johnson" <jej2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a need to build custom field types that store additional metadata
> at the field level in a payload.  I was thinking that I could satisfy this
> by building a custom UpdateRequest that captured this additional
> information in XML, but I am not really sure how to get at this additional
> information on the server side.  Would I need to implement a custom
> RequestHandler to handle the update, could I add a custom
> ContentStreamLoader to parse the XML, how do I customize the creation of
> the lucene document once I have the XML?  Any help/direction would really
> be appreciated.
> -Jamie

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