Hi Ronald,
Turning on docValues for existing field works in Solr 4. As you mentioned
it will use un-inverting method if docValues are nit found on existing
document. This all works fine until segments that have documents without
docValues merge with segment that have docValues for the field. In the
merged segment documents from the old segment will be stored without
docValues however segment's metadata will indicate docValues are turned ON
for the field in question.

Now if you are sorting on the field those poor documents would seem out of
order and facet counts would be wrong as well.

Solr 5 doesn't throws exception if you have mixed case of docValues for a

I think it is better to crate a copy field, reindex all of the data and
then switch over to use copy field

On Aug 25, 2016 9:21 AM, "Ronald Wood" <rw...@smarsh.com> wrote:

> Alessandro, yes I can see how this could be conceived of as a more general
> problem; and yes useDocValues also strikes me as being unlike the other
> properties since it would only be used temporarily.
> We’ve actually had to migrate fields from one to another when changing
> types, along with awkward naming like ‘fieldName’ (int) to ‘fieldNameLong’.
> But I’m not sure how a change like that could actually be done in place.
> The point is stronger when it comes to term vectors etc. where data exists
> in separate files and switches in code control whether they are used or not.
> I guess where I would argue that docValues might be different is that so
> much new functionality depends on this that it might be worth treating it
> differently. Given that docValues now is on by default, I wonder if it will
> at some point be mandatory, in which case everyone would have to migrate to
> keep up with Solr version. (Of course, I don’t know what the general
> thinking is on this amongst the implementers.)
> Regardless, this change may be so important to us that we’d choose to
> branch the code on GitHub and apply the patch ourselves, use it while we
> transition, and then deploy an official build once we’re done. The
> difference in the level of effort between this approach and the
> alternatives would be too great. The risks of using a custom build for
> production would have to be weighed carefully, naturally.
> - Ronald S. Wood
> On 8/25/16, 06:49, "Alessandro Benedetti" <abenede...@apache.org> wrote:
>     > switching is done in Solr on field.hasDocValues. The code would be
> amended
>     > to (field.hasDocValues && field.useDocValues) throughout.
>     >
>     This is correct. Currently we use DocValues if they are available, and
> to
>     check the availabilty we check the schema attribute.
>     This can be problematic in the scenarios you described ( for example
> half
>     the index has docValues for a field and the other half not yet ).
>     Your proposal is interesting.
>     Technically it should work and should allow transparent migration from
> not
>     docValues to docValues.
>     But it is a risky one, because we are decreasing the readability a bit
> (
>     althought a user will specify the attribute only in special cases like
>     yours) .
>     The only problem I see is that the same discussion we had for docValues
>     actually applies to all other invasive schema changes :
>     1) you change the field type
>     2) you enable or disable term vectors
>     3) you enable/disable term positions,offsets ect ect
>     So basically this is actually a general problem, that probably would
>     require a general re-think .
>     So although  can be a quick fix that will work, I fear can open the
> road to
>     messy configuration attributes.
>     Cheers
>     --
>     --------------------------
>     Benedetti Alessandro
>     Visiting card : http://about.me/alessandro_benedetti
>     "Tyger, tyger burning bright
>     In the forests of the night,
>     What immortal hand or eye
>     Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"
>     William Blake - Songs of Experience -1794 England

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