

Further search on net got me answer

The query to be

a_id:20 OR (*:* NOT a_id:*)


I don't understand this syntax

I am bit raw at solr query formations :)






From: Prasanna S. Dhakephalkar [mailto:prasann...@merajob.in] 
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 8:24 AM
To: 'solr-user@lucene.apache.org'
Subject: query formulation


Greetings Group,


I am attempting to formulate a query that gives me all the records such that

1.       The record does not have field a_id

2.       If a_id field exists then it should have a value 20


So,  for 1. I used -a_id:* (got 25 results)

For 2. I used a_id:20 (got 3 results)


For combination I used

-a_id:* OR a_id:20 (was expecting 28 results)

Got nothing.


What Am I missing ?





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