Any takers?

On 9/9/16 9:03 AM, Rallavagu wrote:

Running Solr 5.4.1 with embedded Jetty with frequent updates coming in
and softCommit is set to 10 min. What I am noticing is occasional "slow"
updates (takes 8 sec to 15 sec sometimes) and about the same time slow
QTimes. Upon investigating, it appears that
"ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient:blockUntilFinished:429" is waiting on thread
to be free. Looking at
it appears that it presents with an option to increase the number of
threads that might help with managing more updates without having to
wait (though need to update Solr to 5.5). I could not figure out the
default number of threads for ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient class. Before I
can try increasing number of threads, wondering if there are any
"gotchas" increasing the number of threads and what is the reasonable
number of the threads if so?

org.apache.solr.update.SolrCmdDistributor:finish:90 (method time = 0 ms,
total time = 7489 ms)
 org.apache.solr.update.SolrCmdDistributor:blockAndDoRetries:232 (method
time = 0 ms, total time = 7489 ms)
(method time = 0 ms, total time = 7489 ms)

(method time = 0 ms, total time = 7489 ms)
    java.lang.Object:wait (method time = 7489 ms, total time = 7489 ms)

Thanks in advance

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