Interested for sure

Bill Bell
Sent from mobile

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 4:05 PM, John Bickerstaff <> 
> wrote:
> For what it's worth - I found enough frustration upgrading that I decided
> to "upgrade by replacement"
> Now, I suppose if you've got a huge dataset to re-index that could be a
> problem, but just in case an option like that helps you, I'll suggest this.
> 1. Install 6.x on a new machine using the "install for production"
> instructions
> 2. Use the configs from one of the sample projects to create an
> appropriately-named collection
> 3. Use the ability to "include" your configs into the other configs (they
> live in separate files)
>          I can provide more help here if you're interested
> 4. Re-index all your data into the new version of SOLR...
> I have rough, but useable docs on this if you are interested in attempting
> this approach.
> On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 3:48 PM, Aaron Greenspan <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been on this list for some time because I know that any time I try
>> to do anything related to Solr I’m going to have to spend hours on it,
>> wondering why everything has to be so awful, and I just want somewhere to
>> provide feedback with the dim hope that the product might improve one day.
>> (So far, for my purposes, it hasn’t.) Sure enough, I still absolutely hate
>> using Solr, and I have more feedback.
>> I started with a confusing error on the web console, which I still can’t
>> figure out how to password protect without going through an insanely
>> process involving "ZooKeeper," which I don’t know anything about, or have,
>> to the best of my knowledge:
>> Problem accessing /solr/. Reason:
>>    Forbidden
>> According to logs, this apparently meant that a MySQL query had failed due
>> to a field name change. Since I would have to change my XML configuration
>> files, I decided to use the opportunity to upgrade from Solr 5.1.4 to
>> 6.2.0. It broke everything.
>> First I was getting errors about "Unsupported major.minor version 52.0",
>> so I needed to install the Linux x64 JRE 1.8.0, which I managed on CentOS 6
>> with...
>> yum install openjdk-1.8.0
>> ...going to Oracle’s web site, downloading the latest JRE 1.8 build, and
>> then running...
>> yum localinstall jre-8u101-linux-x64.rpm
>> So far so good. But I didn’t have JAVA_HOME set properly apparently, so I
>> needed to do the not-exactly-intuitive…
>> export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
>> el6_8.x86_64/jre/
>> As usual, I manually moved over my mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar
>> file from the dist/ folder in the old version to the new one. Then after
>> stopping the old process (with kill -9, since there seems to be no graceful
>> way to shut down Solr—README.txt doesn’t mention bin/solr stop) I moved
>> over my two core folders from the old server/solr/ folder. I tried to start
>> it up with bin/solr start, and watched the errors roll in.
>> There was some kind of problem with StopFilterFactory and the text_general
>> field type. Thanks to Stack Overflow I was able to determine that the
>> apparent problem was that there was a parameter, previously fine, which was
>> no longer fine. So I removed all instances of 
>> enablePositionIncrements="true".
>> That helped, but then I ran into a broader error: "Plugin Initializing
>> failure for [schema.xml] fieldType". It didn’t say which field type. Buried
>> in the logs I found a reference in the Java stack trace—which *disappears*
>> (and distorts the viewing window horribly) after a few seconds when you try
>> to view it in the web log UI—to the string "units="degrees"". Sure enough,
>> this string appeared in my schema.xml for a class called "solr.
>> SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType" that I’m pretty sure I never use. I
>> removed that parameter, and moved on to the next set of errors.
>> Apparently there is some aspect of the Thai text field type that Solr
>> 6.2.0 doesn’t like. So I disabled it. I don’t use Thai text.
>> Now Solr was complaining about "Error loading class
>> 'solr.admin.AdminHandlers'". So I found the reference to
>> solr.admin.AdminHandlers in solrconfig.xml for each of my cores and
>> commented it out. Only then did Solr work again.
>> This was not a smooth process. It took about two hours. The user interface
>> is still as buggy as an early alpha of most products, the errors are
>> difficult to understand when they don’t actually specify what’s wrong (and
>> they almost never do), and there should have been an automatic process to
>> highlight and fix problems in old (pre-6) configuration files. Never mind
>> the fact that the XML-based configuration process is an antiquated
>> nightmare when the rest of the world has long since moved onto databases.
>> Maybe this will help someone else out there.
>> Aaron
>> PlainSite |

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