I need help with defining a field ‘singerName’ with the right 
tokenizers and filters such that it gives me the below described behavior:

I have a few documents as given below:

Doc 1
      singerName: Justin Beiber
Doc 2:
      singerName: Justin Timberlake

Below is the list of quries and the corresponding matches:

Query 1: “My fav artist Justin Beiber is very impressive”
Docs Matched : Doc1

Query 2: “I have a Justin Timberlake poster on my wall”
Docs Matched: Doc2

Query 3: “The name Bieber Justin is unique”
Docs Matched: None

Query 4: “Timberlake is a lake of timber..?”
Docs Matched: None.

I have this described a bit more detailed here: 

I’d appreciate any help in addressing this problem.

Thanks !!

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