Perhaps and related?


On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 11:37 PM, Bernd Fehling
<> wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> after trying several hours with all combinations of parameters and not
> getting any useful search result with complex search terms and edismax
> I finally copied from version 4.10.4
> to 5.5.3 and did a little modification in
> Now it is searching correct and getting logical and valid search results
> with any kind of complex search.
> Problem solved.
> But still, the edismax, at least of 5.5.3, has some bugs.
> If I get time I will look into this but right now my problem is solved
> and the customers and users are happy.
> I hope that this buggy edismax version is not used in solr 6.x otherwise you
> have the same problems there.
> Regards
> Bernd
> Am 12.09.2016 um 05:10 schrieb Greg Pendlebury:
>> Hi Bernd,
>> "From my point of view the old parsing behavior was correct.
>> If searching for a term without operator it is always OR, otherwise
>> you can add "+" or "-" to modify that. Now with q.op AND it is
>> modified to "+" as a MUST."
>> It is correct in both cases. q.op dictates (for that query) what default
>> operator to use when none is provided, and it is used as a priority over
>> the system whole 'defaultOperator'. In either case, if you ask it to use
>> OR, it uses it; if you ask it to use AND, it uses it. The behaviour from
>> 4.10 that was changed (arguably fixed, although I know that is a debatable
>> point) was that you asked it to use AND, and it ignored you (irrespective
>> of whether you used defaultOperator or q.op). The are a few subtle
>> distinctions that are being missed (like the difference between the boolean
>> operators and the OCCURS flags that your are talking about), but they are
>> not going to change the outcome.
>> 8812 related to users who had been historically setting the q.op parameter
>> to influence the downstream default selection of 'mm' (If you don't provide
>> 'mm' it is set for you based on 'q.op') instead of directly setting the
>> 'mm' value themselves. But again in this case, you're setting 'mm' anyway,
>> so it shouldn't be relevant.
>> Ta,
>> Greg
>> On 9 September 2016 at 16:44, Bernd Fehling <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Greg,
>>> thanks a lot, thats it.
>>> After setting q.op to OR it works _nearly_ as before with 4.10.4.
>>> But how stupid this?
>>> I have in my schema <solrQueryParser defaultOperator="AND"/>
>>> and also had q.op to AND to make sure my default _is_ AND,
>>> meant as conjunction between terms.
>>> But now I have q.op to OR and defaultOperator in schema to AND
>>> to just get _nearly_ my old behavior back.
>>> schema has following comment:
>>> "... The default is OR, which is generally assumed so it is
>>> not a good idea to change it globally here.  The "q.op" request
>>> parameter takes precedence over this. ..."
>>> What I don't understand is why they change some major internals
>>> and don't give any notice about how to keep old parsing behavior.
>>> From my point of view the old parsing behavior was correct.
>>> If searching for a term without operator it is always OR, otherwise
>>> you can add "+" or "-" to modify that. Now with q.op AND it is
>>> modified to "+" as a MUST.
>>> I still get some differences in search results between 4.10.4 and 5.5.3.
>>> What other side effects has this change of q.op from AND to OR in
>>> other parts of query handling, parsing and searching?
>>> Regards
>>> Bernd
>>> Am 09.09.2016 um 05:43 schrieb Greg Pendlebury:
>>>> I forgot to mention the tickets:
>>>> SOLR-2649 and SOLR-8812
>>>> On 9 September 2016 at 13:38, Greg Pendlebury <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Under 4.10 q.op was ignored by the edismax parser and always forced to
>>> OR.
>>>>> 5.5 is looking at the q.op=AND you requested.
>>>>> There are also some changes to the default values selected for mm, but I
>>>>> doubt those apply here since you are setting it explicitly.
>>>>> On 8 September 2016 at 00:35, Mikhail Khludnev <> wrote:
>>>>>> I suppose
>>>>>>    <str name="parsedquery_toString">+((text:star text:trek)~2)</str>
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>   <str name="parsedquery_toString">+(+text:star +text:trek)</str>
>>>>>> are equal. mm=2 is equal to +foo +bar
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 10:52 AM, Bernd Fehling <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>>>> while going from SOLR 4.10.4 to 5.5.3 I noticed a change in query
>>>>>> parsing.
>>>>>>> 4.10.4
>>>>>>> <str name="rawquerystring">text:star text:trek</str>
>>>>>>>   <str name="querystring">text:star text:trek</str>
>>>>>>>   <str name="parsedquery">(+((text:star text:trek)~2))/no_coord</str>
>>>>>>>   <str name="parsedquery_toString">+((text:star text:trek)~2)</str>
>>>>>>> 5.5.3
>>>>>>> <str name="rawquerystring">text:star text:trek</str>
>>>>>>>   <str name="querystring">text:star text:trek</str>
>>>>>>>   <str name="parsedquery">(+(+text:star +text:trek))/no_coord</str>
>>>>>>>   <str name="parsedquery_toString">+(+text:star +text:trek)</str>
>>>>>>> There are very many new features and changes between this two
>>> versions.
>>>>>>> It looks like a change in query parsing.
>>>>>>> Can someone point me to the solr or lucene jira about the changes?
>>>>>>> Or even give a hint how to get my "old" query parsing back?
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Bernd
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Sincerely yours
>>>>>> Mikhail Khludnev

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