OH!  Ok the moment the query no longer starts with "{!", the query is
parsed by defType (for 'q') and will default to lucene QParser.  So then it
appears we have a clause with a NOT operator.  In this parsing mode,
embedded "{!" terminates at the "}".  This means you can't put the
sub-query text after the "}", you instead need to put it in the special "v"
local-param.  e.g.:
-{!field f=schedule op=Contains v='[2016-08-26T12:00:12Z TO

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 8:15 AM Sandeep Khanzode
<sandeep_khanz...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:

> This is what I get ...
> { "responseHeader": { "status": 400, "QTime": 1, "params": { "q":
> "-{!field f=schedule op=Contains}[2016-08-26T12:00:12Z TO
> 2016-08-26T15:00:12Z]", "indent": "true", "wt": "json", "_":
> "1474373612202" } }, "error": { "msg": "Invalid Date in Date Math
> String:'[2016-08-26T12:00:12Z'", "code": 400 }}
>  SRK
>     On Tuesday, September 20, 2016 5:34 PM, David Smiley <
> david.w.smi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  It should, I think... what happens? Can you ascertain the nature of the
> results?
> ~ David
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 5:35 AM Sandeep Khanzode
> <sandeep_khanz...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:
> > For Solr 6.1.0
> > This works .. -{!field f=schedule op=Intersects}2016-08-26T12:00:56Z
> >
> > This works .. {!field f=schedule op=Contains}[2016-08-26T12:00:12Z TO
> > 2016-08-26T15:00:12Z]
> >
> >
> > Why does this not work?-{!field f=schedule
> > op=Contains}[2016-08-26T12:00:12Z TO 2016-08-26T15:00:12Z]
> >  SRK
> --
> Lucene/Solr Search Committer, Consultant, Developer, Author, Speaker
> LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/davidwsmiley | Book:
> http://www.solrenterprisesearchserver.com

Lucene/Solr Search Committer, Consultant, Developer, Author, Speaker
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/davidwsmiley | Book:

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