Extending on Erik’s proposal with facet.query, you could of course develop a 
custom Function which takes a date field as input and returns the month number 
between 1-12.

When used in a facet you would need to select only one month value at a time, 
and frange QParser could be used for that. It would look something like:
&facet.query={!frange l=1 u=1 key=Jan}month(cdate)
&facet.query={!frange l=2 u=2 key=Feb}month(cdate)
&facet.query={!frange l=3 u=3 key=Mar}month(cdate)

Have not tested this particular combination of facet.query, frange parser and 
function, but it could work?

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

> 21. sep. 2016 kl. 01.11 skrev Erik Hatcher <erik.hatc...@gmail.com>:
> Two options come to mind -
>  * index a field for just the month names
>  * leverage facet.query…
>      &facet.query={!key=Jan}cdate:[2003-01-01 TO 2003-01-31] OR 
> cdate:[2004-01-01 TO 2004-01-31]…. 
> I don’t know a way to select just “January’s” from a date field any more 
> elegantly than that.  
> I’d really go with indexing the month names (in addition to the full date 
> too).
>       Erik
>> On Sep 20, 2016, at 5:47 PM, Aswath Srinivasan (TMS) 
>> <aswath.sriniva...@toyota.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> How to build a Month facet from a date field? The facet that I’m looking for 
>> should have a maximum of only 12 buckets. The possible bucket values are 
>> Jan, Feb, Mar,…. Nov, Dec.
>> http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?facet=on&rows=0&indent=on&q=*:*&wt=json&json.facet.category={type:range,field:cdate,start:"2000-01-01T00:00:00Z",end:NOW,gap:"+1MONTH"}}<http://localhost:8983/solr/pqss_cis/select?facet=on&rows=0&indent=on&q=*:*&wt=json&json.facet.category=%7btype:range,field:cdate,start:%222003-01-01T00:00:00Z%22,end:NOW,gap:%22+1MONTH%22%7d%7d>
>> This is the query that I have so far but this doesn’t group the facet by 
>> Month, obviously, because of the gap:"+1MONTH"
>> Really appreciate the help.
>> Aswath NS

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