 I am trying to estimate disk space requirements for the documents indexed
to SOLR.
I went through the LucidWorks blog (
and using this as the template. I have a question regarding estimating
"Avg. Document Size (KB)".

When calculating Disk Storage requirements, can we use the Java Types
sizing (
https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html) &
come up average document size?

Please let know if the following assumptions are correct.

 Data Type       Size
 --------------      ------
 long           8 bytes
 tint       4 bytes
 tdate         8 bytes (Stored as long?)
 string         1 byte per char for ASCII chars and 2 bytes per char for
Non-ASCII chars (Double byte chars)
 text           1 byte per char for ASCII chars and 2 bytes per char for
Non-ASCII (Double byte chars) (For both with & without norm?)
 ICUCollationField 2 bytes per char for Non-ASCII (Double byte chars)
 boolean 1 bit?


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