You need to have the hadoop pieces on the classpath. Like core-site.xml and
hdfs-site.xml. There is an hdfs classpath command that would help but it
may have too many pieces. You may just need core-site and hdfs-site so you
don't get conflicting jars.

Something like this may work for you:

java -cp
"$(hdfs classpath):./server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/*:./server/lib/
-ea:org.apache.lucene... org.apache.solr.index.hdfs.CheckHdfsIndex

Kevin Risden

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 1:38 PM, Rishabh Patel <> wrote:

> Hello,
> My SolrCloud 5.5 installation has Kerberos enabled. The CheckHdfsIndex test
> fails to run. However, without Kerberos, I am able to run the test with no
> issues.
> I ran the following command:
> java -cp
> "./server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/*:./server/lib/
> ext/*:/hadoop/hadoop-client/lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar"
> -ea:org.apache.lucene... org.apache.solr.index.hdfs.CheckHdfsIndex
> hdfs://<NODE_NAME>:8020/apps/solr/data/ExampleCollection/
> core_node1/data/index
> The error is:
> ERROR: could not open hdfs directory "
> hdfs://<NODE_NAME>:8020/apps/solr/data/ExampleCollection/
> core_node1/data/index
> ";
> exiting org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(
> AccessControlException):
> SIMPLE authentication is not enabled.  Available:[TOKEN, KERBEROS]
> Does this error message imply that the test cannot run with Kerberos
> enabled?
> For reference, I followed this blog
> --
> Regards,
> *Rishabh Patel*

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