This should be part of the lucene-core-2.4-dev.jar which is in lucene/solr/trunk/lib

% unzip -l lucene-core-2.4-dev.jar | grep TimeLimitedCollector
251 06-19-08 08:57 org/apache/lucene/search/TimeLimitedCollector$1.class 1564 06-19-08 08:57 org/apache/lucene/search/TimeLimitedCollector$TimeExceededException.class 1344 06-19-08 08:57 org/apache/lucene/search/TimeLimitedCollector$TimerThread.class 2125 06-19-08 08:57 org/apache/lucene/search/TimeLimitedCollector.class


Andrew Nagy wrote:
Hello - I am a part of a larger group working on an import tool called 
SolrMarc.  I am running into an error that I'm not sure what is causing it and 
looking for any leads.

I am getting the following exception on the SolrCore constructor:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
        at org.apache.solr.core.SolrConfig.<init>(
        at org.apache.solr.core.SolrConfig.<init>(

Any ideas what might cause this?  I am working from the July 25 nightly 
snapshot.  Could I be missing a jar or something?


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