On 10/5/2016 1:17 PM, KRIS MUSSHORN wrote:
> Will someone please tell me why this stores the text "numDocs" instead
> of returning the number of docs in the core? #!/bin/bash
> DOC_COUNT=`wget -O- -q
> $SOLR_HOST'admin/cores?action=STATUS&core='$SOLR_CORE_NAME'&wt=json&indent=true'
> | grep numDocs | tr -d '0-9'`

The "-d" option on the "tr" command means "delete" ... so the final
command in that pipe says "delete all numbers."  I think that is
probably the exact opposite of what you're trying to do.

If your "tr" command supports the "-c" option to operate on the
complement of the set, you can you add that option before "-d".   Then
the command should delete everything *except* the numbers, and I think
it will do what you're after.  It seemed to work for me, at least.

Another suggestion you've gotten is to use jq to parse the json
directly.  That would be very effective, and would continue to work even
if Solr's indented JSON output format were to change.  It does assume
the presence of a tool that's less common, though.


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