Hi Dominique,
Unfortunately Solr doesn't support metrics you are interested in. You can
however have another process that makes jmx queries on the solr process, do
required transformation and store data in some kind of data store.

Just make sure you are not DDOSing your Solr instances :-)

On Oct 10, 2016 11:58 AM, "Dominique De Vito" <ddv36...@gmail.com> wrote:


It looks like the Solr metric "avgTimePerRequest" is computed with requests
from t0 (startup time).

If so, it's quite useless, for example, for detecting a surge in latency
within the last 10 mn for example.

Is my understanding correct ?

If so, is there a way
(1) to configure Solr to compute all its metrics per period of time (let's
say every 10 mn)
(2) to reset metrics through some (?) call



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