Thank you both!  Very helpful.

On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 8:48 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 10/18/2016 3:00 PM, John Bickerstaff wrote:
> > How (or is it even wise) to "segregate data" in Solr so that some data
> > can be seen by some users and some data not be seen?
> IMHO, security like this isn't really Solr's job ... but with the right
> data in the index, the system that DOES handle the security can include
> a filter with each user's query to restrict them to only the data they
> are allowed to see.  There are many ways to put data in the index for
> efficient use by a filter.  The simplest would be a boolean field with a
> name like isPublic or isPrivate, where true and false are mapped as
> necessary to public and private.
> Naturally, the users must not be able to reach Solr directly ... they
> must be restricted to the software that connects to Solr on their
> behalf.  Blocking end users from direct network access to Solr is a good
> idea even if there are no other security needs.
> There are more comprehensive solutions available, as you will notice
> from other replies, but the idea of simple filtering, controlled by your
> application, should work.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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