Correcting myself here, I was wrong about the cause (I had already messed
with the script).

I made it work by commenting out line 1261 (the number might be a bit off
as I have modified the script, but hopefully its easy to see where):

) ELSE IF "%1"=="/?" (
  goto zk_usage
) ELSE IF "%1"=="-h" (
  goto zk_usage
) ELSE IF "%1"=="-help" (
  goto zk_usage
) ELSE IF "!ZK_SRC!"=="" (
  if not "%~1"=="" (
    goto set_zk_src
 * rem goto zk_usage*
) ELSE IF "!ZK_DST!"=="" (
  IF "%ZK_OP%"=="cp" (
    goto set_zk_dst
  IF "%ZK_OP%"=="mv" (
    goto set_zk_dst
  set ZK_DST="_"
) ELSE IF NOT "%1"=="" (
  set ERROR_MSG="Unrecognized or misplaced zk argument %1%"

Now upconfig works!


On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 2:43 PM, xavier jmlucjav <> wrote:

> hi,
> Am I missing something or this is broken in windows? I cannot upconfig,
> the scripts keeps exiting immediately and showing usage, as if I use some
> wrong parameters.  This is on win10, jdk8. But I am pretty sure I saw it
> also on win7 (don't have that around anymore to try)
> I think the issue is: there is a SHIFT too much in line 1276 of solr.cmd:
> :set_zk_op
> set ZK_OP=%~1
> goto parse_zk_args
> if this SHIFT is removed, then parse_zk_args works (and it does the shift
> itself). But the upconfig hangs, so still it does not work.
> this probably was introduced in a851d5f557aefd76c01ac23da076a14dc7576d8e
> by Erick (not sure which one :) ) on July 2nd. Master still has this issue.
> Would be great if this was fixed in the incoming 6.3...
> My cmd scripting is not too strong and I did not go further. I searched
> Jira but found nothing. By the way is it not possible to open tickets in
> Jira anymore?
> xavier

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