Thanks for digging into this, let's create a jira ticket for this.

Joel Bernstein

On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 6:23 PM, sandeep mukherjee <> wrote:

> I have more progress since my last mail. I figured out that  in the
> StreamContext object there is a way to set the SolrClientCache object which
> keep reference to all the CloudSolrClient where I can set a reference to
> HttpClient which sets the Basic Auth header. However the problem is, inside
> the SolrClientCache there is no way to set your own version of
> CloudSolrClient with BasicAuth enabled. Unfortunately, SolrClientCache has
> no set method which takes a CloudSolrClient object.
> So long story short we need an API in SolrClientCache to
> accept CloudSolrClient object from user.
> Please let me know if there is a better way to enable Basic Auth when
> using StreamFactory as mentioned in my previous email.
> Thanks much,Sandeep
>     On Wednesday, November 9, 2016 11:44 AM, sandeep mukherjee
> <> wrote:
>  Hello everyone,
> I trying to find the documentation for Basic Auth plugin for Solr
> Streaming expressions. But I'm not able to find it in the documentation
> anywhere. Could you please point me in right direction of how to enable
> Basic auth for Solr Streams?
> I'm creating StreamFactory as follows: I wonder how and where can I
> specify Basic Auth username and password
> @Bean
> public StreamFactory streamFactory() {
>     SolrConfig solrConfig = ConfigManager.getNamedConfig("solr",
> SolrConfig.class);
>     return new StreamFactory().withDefaultZkHost(solrConfig.
> getConnectString())
>             .withFunctionName("gatherNodes", GatherNodesStream.class);
> }

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