I'd like to be able to specify query term weights/boosts, which it sounds
like bq was created for.  I think my understanding from the wiki is a bit
rough, so I'm hoping I might be able to get some questions answered here.
Any thoughts/comments are much appreciated.

I initially tried simply passing a dismax-style query in bq w/ an empty q
param and got no results.  Is this because bq terms must specify fields.
I.e. bq=shoes won't work, but bq=title:shoes will boost docs that match
"shoes" in the "title" field?

Does bq simply add boosts to query terms?  Say my only qf is "title" and
q=boots&bq=shoes^0.5.  Does this translate to a lucene query of
q=title:boots^1.0+title:shoes^0.5.  If, instead, q=shoes+boots, would the
lucene query be q=title:boots^1.0+title:shoes^1.5 ?

Is it possible to negatively boost a term without completely negging it?
I.e. is it possible to do something like q=shoes&bq=bags^-1.0 ?



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