Hello all,

We've been indexing documents with empty strings for some fields.

After our latest round of Solr/SolrJ updates to 6.3.0 we have discovered that fields with empty strings are no longer being stored, effectively storing documents with those fields as being NULL/NOT-PRESENT instead of EMPTY. (Most definitely not the same thing!)

We are using SolrInputDocuments.

Documents indexed before our latest round of updates have the fields with empty strings just fine, new documents indexed since the updates don't.

Example field that is in the input document that isn't showing up as populated in the query results:

"mesh_s" : {
    "boost" : 1.0,
    "firstValue" : "",
    "name" : "mesh_s",
    "value" : "",
    "valueCount" : 1,
    "values" : [ "" ]


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