Could you file a JIRA issue so that this report does not get lost?

- Mark

On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 10:49 AM Solr User <> wrote:

> For those interested, I ended up bundling the customized ACL provider with
> the solr.war.  I could not stomach looking at the stack trace in the logs.
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 4:47 PM, Solr User <> wrote:
> > This is mostly just an FYI regarding future work on issues like
> SOLR-8792.
> >
> > I wanted admin update but world read on ZK since I do not have anything
> > sensitive from a read perspective in the Solr data and did not want to
> > force all SolrCloud clients to implement authentication just for read.
> So,
> > I extended DefaultZkACLProvider and implemented a replacement for
> > VMParamsAllAndReadonlyDigestZkACLProvider.
> >
> > My custom code is loaded from the sharedLib in solr.xml.  However, there
> > is a temporary ZK lookup to read solr.xml (and chroot) which is obviously
> > done before loading sharedLib.  Therefore, I am faced with a
> > ClassNotFoundException.  This has no negative effect on the ACL
> > functionality....just the annoying stack trace in the logs.  I do not
> want
> > to package this custom code with the Solr code and do not want to package
> > this along with Solr dependencies in the Jetty lib/ext.
> >
> > So, I am planning to live with the stack trace and just wanted to share
> > this for any future work on the dynamic solr.xml and chroot lookups or in
> > case I am missing some work-around.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >
- Mark

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