On 11/17/2016 6:26 AM, Dorian Hoxha wrote:
> Looks like you can update documents even using just doc-values
> (without stored). While I understand the columnar-format, my issue
> with this is that docValues are added when a 'commit' is done
> (right?). Does that mean that it will force a commit (which is a slow
> operation) when updating with docValues or does it do something more
> smart ? 

The presence  or absence of docValues does not change commits at all.  A
commit is a separate operation from indexing, although you can send
commit=true with an indexing request and it would be started as soon as
all the indexing for that request is done.


The URL above says "SolrCloud" but what it says also applies to
non-cloud installs.


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