I am not sure but I heard this in one of discussions, that you cant migrate 
directly from solr 4 to solr 6. It has to be incremental like solr 4 to solr 5 
and then to solr 6. I might be wrong but is worth trying. 

Prateek Jain

-----Original Message-----
From: Max Bridgewater [mailto:max.bridgewa...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 22 November 2016 01:54 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Solr 6 Performance Suggestions

I migrated an application from Solr 4 to Solr 6.  solrconfig.xml  and 
schema.xml are sensibly the same. The JVM params are also pretty much similar.  
The indicces have each about 2 million documents. No particular tuning was done 
to Solr 6 beyond the default settings. Solr 4 is running in Tomcat 7.

Early results seem to show Solr 4 outperforming Solr 6. The first shows an 
average response time of 280 ms while the second averages at 430 ms. The test 
cases were exactly the same, the machines where exactly the same and heap 
settings exactly the same (Xms24g, Xmx24g). Requests were sent with Jmeter with 
50 concurrent threads for 2h.

I know that this is not enough information to claim that Solr 4 generally 
outperforms Solr 6. I also know that this pretty much depends on what the 
application does. So I am not claiming anything general. All I want to do is 
get some input before I start digging.

What are some things I could tune to improve the numbers for Solr 6? Have you 
guys experienced such discrepancies?


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