
I am new to this and have found no examples or guidance on how to use 
"removeregex" to remove (in my case) all entries in a multi-valued field.

The following curl commands work just fine:

curl . . . -d '[{"id":"docId","someField":{"add",["val1","val2"]}}]'


curl . . . -d '[{"id":"docId","someField":{"remove",["val1","val2"]}}]'

None of the following have any effect, however:

curl . . . -d '[{"id":"docId","someField":{"removeregex","val1"}}]'

curl . . . -d '[{"id":"docId","someField":{"removeregex",".*"}}]'

I appreciate your help and hope your answer makes it out on the cloud somewhere 
so others can find the solution.


Rich Bergmann

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