Hi Solr users,

I’m writing because in our web application we’re using Solr 5.1.0 and currently we’re hosting it on a VM with 32 GB of RAM (of which 30 are dedicated to Solr and nothing else is running there). We have four cores, that are this size:
- 25.56 GB, Num Docs = 57,860,845
- 12.09 GB, Num Docs = 173,491,631

(The other two cores are about 10 MB, 20k docs)

We aren’t indexing on this machine, and we’re getting OOM relatively quickly (after about 14 hours of regular use). Right now we have a Cron job that restarts Solr every 12 hours, so it’s not pretty. We use faceting quite heavily and mostly as a document storage server (we want full data sets instead of the n most relevant results).

I don’t know if what we’re experiencing is usual given the index size and memory constraint of the VM, or something looks like it’s wildly misconfigured. What do you think? Any useful pointers for some tuning we could do to improve the service? Would upgrading to Solr 6 make sense?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Alfonso Muñoz-Pomer Fuentes
Software Engineer @ Expression Atlas Team
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Tel:+ 44 (0) 1223 49 2633
Skype: amunozpomer

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