On 12/12/2016 3:32 AM, Rainer Gnan wrote:
> Hi,
> actually I am trying to use Collection Aliasing in a SolrCloud-environment.
> My set up is as follows:
> 1. Collection_1 (alias "live") linked with config_1
> 2. Collection_2 (alias "test") linked with config_2
> 3. Collection_1 is different to Collection _2
> 4. config_1 is different to config_2 
> Case 1: Using
> http://hostname.de:8983/solr/Collection_2/select?indent=on&q=*:*&wt=xml&collection=test
> leads to the same results as
> http://hostname.de:8983/solr/Collection_2/select?indent=on&q=*:*&wt=xml
> which is correct.
> Case 2: Using
> http://hostname.de:8983/solr/Collection_1/select?indent=on&q=*:*&wt=xml&collection=live
> leads to the same result as
> http://hostname.de:8983/solr/Collection_1/select?indent=on&q=*:*&wt=xml
> which is correct, too.
> Case 3: Using
> http://hostname.de:8983/solr/Collection_2/select?indent=on&q=*:*&wt=xml&collection=live
> leads NOT to the same result as
> http://hostname.de:8983/solr/Collection_1/select?indent=on&q=*:*&wt=xml&collection=live
> or 
> http://hostname.de:8983/solr/Collection_1/select?indent=on&q=*:*&wt=xml

Do the query this way:


I have no idea whether the behavior you are seeing is correct or wrong,
but if you send the traffic directly to the alias it should work correctly.

It might turn out that this is a bug, but I believe the above workaround
should take care of the issue in your environment.


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