No, Solr stoped supporting the concept of a default core back in Solr5.

The only tangible benefit to having a default was being able to change the 
default to point at a diff core w/o impacting existing users.

You can easily do the same thing by creating a core/collection alias that 
you use in your clients, which you can later change.

: Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2016 16:54:18 -0500
: From: Max Bridgewater <>
: Reply-To:
: To:
: Subject: Solr 6 Default Core URL
: I have one Solr core on my solr 6 instance and I can query it with:
: http://localhost:8983/solr/mycore/search?q=*:*
: Is there a way to configure solr 6 so that I can simply query it with this
: simple URL?
: http://localhost:8983/search?q=*:*
: Thanks.
: Max,


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