Yeah, that makes sense indeed.

-----Original message-----
> From:Chris Hostetter <>
> Sent: Thursday 15th December 2016 19:44
> To:
> Subject: RE: DocTransformer not always working
> : Well, i can work with this really fine knowing this, but does it make 
> : sense? I did assume (or be wrong in doing so) that fl=minhash:[binstr] 
> : should mean get that field and pass it through the transformer. At least 
> : i just now fell for it, maybe other shouldn't :)
> that's what it *can* mean, but it's not -- fundementally -- what it means.
> foo:[bar x=y ...] means run the "bar" transformer and request that it 
> uses the name "foo" as an output key in the resulting documents.
> when "bar" is executing it knows what name it was asked to use, so it can 
> use that information for other purposes (like in your case: you can use 
> that as a stored field name to do some processing on) but there's no 
> reason "foo" has to be a real field name.
> many processors don't treat the "name" special in any way, and in gneral a 
> processor should behave sanely if there is no name specified (ie: 
> "fl=[bar]" should be totally valid)
> the key reason why it's not really a good idea to *force* the "name" used 
> in the response to match a "real" stored field is because it prevents you 
> from using multiple transformers on the same field, or from returning the 
> same field unmodified.
> Another/Better way for you to have designed your transformer would have 
> been that the field to apply the binstr logic too should be specified as a 
> local param, ie...
>   fl=minhash,b2_minhash:[binstr f=minhash base=2],b8_minhash:[binstr 
> f=minhash base=16]
> ...see what i mean?
> : 
> : Anyway, thanks again today,
> : Markus
> : 
> : -----Original message-----
> : > From:Chris Hostetter <>
> : > Sent: Wednesday 14th December 2016 23:14
> : > To: solr-user <>
> : > Subject: Re: DocTransformer not always working
> : > 
> : > 
> : > Fairly certain you aren't overridding getExtraRequestFields, so when your 
> : > DocTransformer is evaluated it can'd find the field you want it to 
> : > transform.
> : > 
> : > By default, the ResponseWriters don't provide any fields that aren't 
> : > explicitly requested by the user, or specified as "extra" by the 
> : > DocTransformer.
> : > 
> : > IIUC you want the stored value of the "minhash" field to be available to 
> : > you, but the response writer code doesn't know that -- it just knows you 
> : > want "minhash" to be the output respons key for the "[binstr]" 
> : > transformer.
> : > 
> : > 
> : > Take a look at RawValueTransformerFactory as an example to borrow from.
> : > 
> : > 
> : > 
> : > 
> : > : Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2016 21:55:26 +0000
> : > : From: Markus Jelsma <>
> : > : Reply-To:
> : > : To: solr-user <>
> : > : Subject: DocTransformer not always working
> : > : 
> : > : Hello - I just spotted an oddity with all two custom DocTransformers we 
> sometimes use on Solr 6.3.0. This particular transformer in the example just 
> transforms a long (or int) into a sequence of bits. I just use it as an 
> convenience to compare minhashes with my eyeballs. First example is very 
> straightforward, fl=minhash:[binstr], show only the minhash field, but as a 
> bit sequence.
> : > : 
> : > : 
> solr/search/select?omitHeader=true&wt=json&indent=true&rows=1&sort=id%20asc&q=*:*&fl=minhash:[binstr]
> : > : {
> : > :   "response":{"numFound":96933,"start":0,"docs":[
> : > :       {}]
> : > :   }}
> : > : 
> : > : The document is empty! This also happens with another transformer. The 
> next example i also request the lang field:
> : > : 
> : > : solr/search/select?omitHeader=true&wt=json&indent=true&rows=1&sort=id 
> asc&q=*:*&fl=lang,minhash:[binstr]
> : > : {
> : > :   "response":{"numFound":96933,"start":0,"docs":[
> : > :       {
> : > :         "lang":"nl"}]
> : > :   }}
> : > : 
> : > : Ok, at least i now get the lang field, but the transformed minhash is 
> nowhere to be seen. In the next example i request all fields and the 
> transformed minhash:
> : > : 
> : > : 
> /solr/search/select?omitHeader=true&wt=json&indent=true&rows=1&sort=id%20asc&q=*:*&fl=*,minhash:[binstr]
> : > : {
> : > :   "response":{"numFound":96933,"start":0,"docs":[
> : > :       {
> : > :         
> "minhash":"1110110101111010100011010010101111100001110110010111101101111010",
> : > :         ...other fields here
> : > :         "_version_":1553728923368423424}]
> : > :   }}
> : > : 
> : > : So it seems that right now, i can only use a transformer properly if i 
> request all fields. I believe it used to work with all three examples just as 
> you would expect. But since i haven't used transformers for a while, i don't 
> know at which version it stopped working like that (if it ever did of course 
> :)
> : > : 
> : > : Did i mess something up or did a bug creep on me?
> : > : 
> : > : Thanks,
> : > : Markus
> : > : 
> : > 
> : > -Hoss
> : >
> : > 
> : 
> -Hoss

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