I think solr tries itself to load balance. Read this page

Also please write the query.

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On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 4:31 PM, Dave Seltzer <dselt...@tveyes.com> wrote:

> [Forgive the repeat here, I accidentally clicked send too early]
> Hi Everyone,
> I have a Solr index which is quite small (400,000 documents totaling 157
> MB) with a query load which is quite large. I therefore want to spread the
> load across multiple Solr servers.
> To accomplish this I've created a Solr Cloud cluster with two collections.
> The collections are configured with only 1 shard, but with 3 replicas in
> order to make sure that each of the three Solr servers has all of the data
> and can therefore answer any query without having to request data from
> another server. I use the following command:
> solr create -c sf_fingerprints -shards 1 -n fingerprints -replicationFactor
> 3
> I use HAProxy to spread the load across the three servers by directing the
> query to the server with the fewest current connections.
> However, when I turn up the load during testing I'm seeing some stuff in
> the logs of SERVER1 which makes me question my understanding of Solr Cloud:
> SERVER1: HttpSolrCall null:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error
> trying to proxy request for url: http://SERVER3:8983/solr/sf_
> fingerprints/select <http://server3:8983/solr/sf_fingerprints/select>
> I'm curious why SERVER1 would be proxying requests to SERVER3 in a
> situation where the sf_fingerprints index is completely present on the
> local system.
> Is this a situation where I should be using generic replication rather than
> Cloud?
> Many thanks!
> -Dave

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