On 1/3/2017 5:56 AM, Reagan Philip wrote:
> Hi,I'm trying to use Unity.SolrNetIntegration with a
> basic-authentication enabled Solr server but could not find any
> details about it. I did create another post with more details
> http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Solr-basic-authentication-with-Unity-SolrNetIntegration-tc4311494.htmlPlease
> help. Thank you!-Reagan 

The Nabble forum is just a mirror of the mailing list.  It receives
anything sent to the mailing list, and any posts made on the forum are
sent to everyone on the list.

The URL you have above has the word "Please" from the next sentence
attached to it, so it doesn't work.  I found your previous mailing list
thread, which has had no response yet.

SolrNet is third-party software.  It was not developed by the Solr
project, so you cannot obtain help for it on this mailing list.  You'll
need to talk to the authors of that software for help with making it
work when there's authentication involved.

It appears that the fork of SolrNet you're using doesn't have any way to
open an issue:


The project it was forked from does have the "issues" tab, but they may
not be willing to help you with the fork.  I do not know whether github
has any way for you to contact the author of the fork.


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