Hello Mikhail,

I put pcdm_members into the fl, and it is definitely stored. I tried adding
the logParamsList, but all I see in the log is
183866104 [qtp1778535015-14] INFO  org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore  –
[fedora4] webapp=/solr path=/select params={q=id:"https://
members}&wt=json&_=1483654385162} hits=1 status=0 QTime=0

Still getting no members key in the output:

  "responseHeader": {
    "status": 0,
    "QTime": 1,
    "params": {
      "members.logParamsList": "q,fl,rows,row.pcdm_members",
      "indent": "true",
      "fl": "pcdm_members,members:[subquery]",
      "members.fl": "id,title",
      "members.q": "{!terms f=id v=$row.pcdm_members}",
      "wt": "json",
      "_": "1483654538166"
  "response": {
    "numFound": 1,
    "start": 0,
    "docs": [
        "pcdm_members": [

Is $row.pcdm_members the right way to refer to the pcdm_members field
of the current document in the subquery? Is the multivalued nature of
the field a problem? I have tried adding separator=' ' to both the
[subquery] and {!terms}, but to no avail.


On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 4:38 PM, Mikhail Khludnev <m...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> Can you add pcdm_members into fl to make sure it's stored?
> Also please add the following param
> members.logParamsList=q,fl,rows,row.pcdm_members,
> and check logs then.
> On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 9:46 PM, Peter Matthew Eichman <peich...@umd.edu>
> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I am attempting to use a subquery to enrich a query with the titles of
> > related objects. Each document in my index may have 1 or more
> pcdm_members
> > and pcdm_related_objects fields, whose values are ids of other documents
> in
> > the index. Those documents in turn have reciprocal pcdm_member_of and
> > pcdm_related_object_of fields.
> >
> > In the Blacklight app I am working on, we want to enrich the display of a
> > document with the titles of its members and related objects using a
> > subquery. However, this is out first foray into subqueries and things
> > aren't working as expected.
> >
> > I expected the following query to return a "members" key with a document
> > list of documents with "id" and "title" keys, but I am getting nothing:
> >
> > {
> >   "responseHeader": {
> >     "status": 0,
> >     "QTime": 1,
> >     "params": {
> >       "q": "id:\"https://fcrepolocal/fcrepo/rest/pcdm/19/31/3c/1a/
> > 19313c1a-6ab4-4305-93ec-12dfdf01ba74\"",
> >       "indent": "true",
> >       "fl": "members:[subquery]",
> >       "members.fl": "id,title",
> >       "members.q": "{!terms f=id v=$row.pcdm_members}",
> >       "wt": "json",
> >       "_": "1483641932207"
> >     }
> >   },
> >   "response": {
> >     "numFound": 1,
> >     "start": 0,
> >     "docs": [
> >       {}
> >     ]
> >   }
> > }
> >
> > Any pointers on what I am missing? Are there any configuration settings
> in
> > solrconfig.xml that I need to be aware of for subqueries to work?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -Peter
> >
> > --
> > Peter Eichman
> > Senior Software Developer
> > University of Maryland Libraries
> > peich...@umd.edu
> >
> --
> Sincerely yours
> Mikhail Khludnev

Peter Eichman
Senior Software Developer
University of Maryland Libraries

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