I have a few hundred documents with title and content fields.

I want a match in title to trump matches in content. If I search for "connected vehicle" then a news article that has that in the content shouldn't be ranked higher than the page with that in the title is essentially what I want.

I have tried dismax with qf=title^2 as well as several other variants with the standard query parser (like q="title:"foo"^2 OR content:"foo") but documents without the search term in the title still come out before those with the term in the title when ordered by score.

Is there something I am missing ?

From the docs, something like q=title:"connected vehicle"^2 OR content:"connected vehicle" should have worked ? Even using ^100 didn't help.

I tried with the dismax parser using

|"q": "Connected Vehicle", "defType": "dismax", "indent": "true", "qf": "title^2000 content", "pf": "pf=title^4000 content^2", "sort": "score desc", "wt": "json", but that was not better. if I remove content from pf/qf then documents seem to rank correctly. |

Example query and results (content omitted) : http://pastebin.com/5EhrRJP8 with managed-schema http://pastebin.com/mdraWQWE

*Tom Chiverton*
Lead Developer
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