As per Scott@FullStory you shall see benefits with many smaller shards then
few bigger. Also upgrading to Solr 6.2 would be better as there are many
improvements done handling multiple shards. See below presentation


On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 12:56 PM, Joe Obernberger <> wrote:

> Hi All - we've been experimenting with Solr Cloud 5.5.0 with a 27 shard
> (no replication - each shard runs on a physical host) cluster on top of
> HDFS.  It currently just crossed 3 billion documents indexed with an index
> size of 16.1TBytes.  In HDFS with 3x replication this takes up 48.2TBytes.
> Each shard is then hosting about 610GBytes of index.  The HDFS cache size
> is very low at about 8GBytes.  Suffice it to say, performance isn't very
> good, but again, this is for experimentation.
> If we were to redo this, would it be better to create many shards - maybe
> 200 with 3 replicas each (600 in all) with the goal being to withstand a
> server going out, and future expansion as more hardware is added?  I know
> this is very general question.  Thanks very much in advance!
> -Joe

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