On 1/13/2017 1:02 PM, Erick Erickson wrote:
> What about using the defaults in requestHandlers along with SOLR-3191
> to accomplish this? Let's say that there was an fl-exclusion
> parameter. Now you'd be able to define an exclusion default that would
> exclude your field(s) unless overridden in your request handler. This
> could be either a default or invariant depending on how strictly you
> wanted to enforce not being able to retrieve the field. 

If it's done with a parameter, I would want the parameter to work
correctly if included multiple times, then add an exclusion default to
the appends section rather than defaults or invariants.

> And one thing about your notion. docValues are only primitive types,
> i.e. string in this case. There's a limit I believe on how big these
> can be, 32K? Which seems rather restrictive in this case so we're back
> to stored.

Oh, fun.  32K might be enough for my index, but it is not enough for
general usage.

Is my understanding about stored fields correct, that even if excluded
from fl, the data on the disk for a given field would still be read as
part of decompression?  That's what I was hoping to avoid by using 
docValues.  Just how much pain would be involved in implementing an
option to disable stored field compression, and if that became possible,
would it avoid the need to read field data that isn't used?


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