On 1/16/2017 1:04 PM, Abhijit Pawar wrote:
> Hello,
> Need your help on one small problem I am facing in SOLR.
> I have added authentication for our mongodb database in data-source-config
> file in SOLR.


> rating,updatedAt,comparable,hide_price FROM
> products':java.lang.RuntimeException:
> db error [not authorized for query on *<<DB NAME>>*.*<<COLLECTION NAME>>*]

I'll say the same thing I told you when you asked about this on the IRC

When accessed this way (via JDBC), JDBC is saying that the user isn't
authorized.  It doesn't have enough permissions to do the query that
Solr asked it to do.  It might be a result of misconfiguration, but
since I'm unfamiliar with the driver, and the error message isn't
complete, I cannot say.

As for why you're running into this authorization issue, that is going
to require the expertise of someone who is familiar with the JDBC driver
for MongoDB.  You're going to need to ask someone in the MongoDB world
about this.  The error message you've included here does not mean much
to me.  It would probably mean more to a MongoDB expert.

Your Solr logfile should contain a much larger error message, one that
includes a large java stacktrace.  This will likely be helpful to
whoever you contact for help on the issue.

At the following URL, you can see a working configuration for DIH with
MySQL -- the one that I use.  This is not directly relevant for MongoDB,
but maybe you can find something useful in the config: 

I found a third-party project for importing from MongoDB into Solr:


I do not know anything about this project, but it comes up in google
search results, so hopefully it's a good project.


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