
I am unsure if solr is the right solution for a problem
that we have, of if it is better to stick with a relational
database (and if it should be done in solr how to implement it).
The explanation is a bit lengthy, but please
bear with me.

The problem:
Sort results of a vendor search for a product according to price
including delivery costs.

The data:
The store itself is a marketplace, and each product can be
supplied by different vendors. The vendors can define delivery
costs for different price ranges.

             _price from_| price to_|  delivery cost |
            |     0      |   49     |        10      |
  vendor  --|    50      |   99     |         5      |
            |   100      |   max    |         0      |

So, for product with a price of 55, I want the result to be 60.

Additional requirements:
 - The product price is also calculated, based on properties
   of the vendor.
 - There is also a pickup option, and there should be no
   duplicate results.
 - Different shipping costs for different countries.

Progress so far:
My idea is to store each range as a subdocument for a vendor, but
I don't know how to construct a query for that. So far I have
managed to implement a simpler version that gives the right result for
each country using dynamic fields, but this uses only a free delivery
above x approach and that is not what we want.

I have looked into the Block Join Query parser, but as far as I can
tell this does not allow to construct a function query with inputs
from parent and child documents.

Why solr:
 - sort and limit result according to geolocation.
 - we will deploy solr anyhow in this project, for a classic
   full text search.

As said above, I'm not really sure if this is a good application
for solr, but the geolocation features are quite handy. And the
query is not really fast in a relational db either.

Any input is greatly appreciated.


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