Hello everyone! I'm still stuck on this issue and could really use some
help. I have a Solr 6.0.0 instance that is storing documents peppered with
text like "1a", "2e", "4c", etc. If I search the documents for a word, "ms",
"in", "the", etc., I get the correct number of hits and the results are
highlighted correctly in the highlighting section. But when I search for
"1a" or "2e" I get hits, but the highlights are blank. Further testing
revealed that the highlighter fails to highlight any combination of
alpha-numeric two character value, such a n0, b1, 1z, etc.:
<result name="response" numFound="1" start="0">
<lst name="highlighting">
<lst name="8667"/>

Where "8667" is the document ID of the record that had the hit, but no
highlight. Other searches, "ms" for example, return:
<result name="response" numFound="1" start="0">
<lst name="highlighting">
 <lst name="8667"/>
  <arr name="text">

Why does highlighting fail for "1a" type searches? Any help is appreciated!

-Teague James

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